NEO Student Leader Program Application

Due by April 15th | • NEW APPLICANTS: Application must be post marked by April 15th

> • CURRENT STUDENT LEADER APPLICANTS: You must re-apply each year. Your application must be post marked by April 15th
• IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you start completing the application, do not close your browser window or all your answers will be lost and you will have to start over.

NEO Student Leader Requirements:
• They have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
• They are a Sophomore, Junior or Senior in High School.
• They are a committed to attend my local church worship [at least 75% of the time]
• They are a committed to attend my local youth group meetings & events [at least 75% of the time].
• They are a committed to attend state youth function when possible [Camp Marengo, State Youth Convention or Tri-Level Leadership Institute].
• They are actively serving in a ministry in my local church,(nursery or children’s helper, worship, usher, worship team, media tech, sound tech, service projects, etc). [at least serving 1 time per month]
• They are willing to work with NEO Student Ministries Board and others to plan, develop and lead NEO events this next year.
• They are committed to attend 3 to 5 NEO Student Leader training/meetings this year.

A Student Leader Is …
> a servant to others.
> always ready to help.
> an encourager.
> a person who finds good in everything.
> a team player in sports and games.
> a good loser in competitions, who congratulates others on their accomplishments & abilities.
> someone who participates in everything.
> someone who works for group unity.
> someone who keeps confidences.
> someone who shows new people around and makes them feel comfortable.
> someone who accepts positive suggestions and constructive criticism from other peers and adult leaders.
> someone who works well with others on projects and assignments and includes their ideas and suggestions.

A Student Leader Is Not …
> the boss of anyone.
> ever to busy for anyone.
> one who criticizes & puts others down.
> a person who finds fault in everything.
> a show off, drawing all the attention to himself.
> a poor loser who argues and complains that others cheated or that the game was unfair.
> someone who sits around and watches, refusing to get involved in activities.
> someone who causes dissension.
> someone who gossips about others.
> someone who ignores new people and lets them find their own way around.
> someone who will not accept or consider helpful suggestions from others.
> someone who takes over a project and does not allow others to incorporate their ideas and suggestions.
Please complete the entire form and do not skip any questions. This form will not allow you to submit if any questions are left blank. Also, once you start the application, do not close your browser window or all your answers will be lost and you will have to start over. Thank you!
Student Leader Requirement

If you answered “no” to any of the requirements below, you may want to reconsider and apply next year when you’ve had an opportunity fulfill the requirements. Talk with your Youth Pastor, Youth Leader or Pastor about what you can do to pursue your goal of being an NEO Student Leader.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Your Personal Information

Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Parent Information

Please input your parent's contact information below.  Have your parent complete the parent permission form by April 15th using the link found on the page. 
Youth Pastor/Leader or Pastor Recomendation

Please input the information regarding your Youth Pastor, Youth Leader or Pastor who is mentoring you as a leader in your local church.  Ask that person to complete the Youth Pastor/Leader Recomendation Form by April 15th.  
Application Questions

Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Student Agreement & Signature

By filling out this application and typing my signataure below, I am agreeing to take an active part in the NEO Student Ministries Program.  I will make an effort to attend as many meetings and programs as possible.  The ones I cannot attend, I will take it upon myself to contact one of the Student Ministries Board Members to stay updated on current events and my involvement in those events.

I am agreeing to be a Leader within in the NEO District and will do my part to do what is expected of me according to 1 Tim. 4:12 (NLT) “Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.” and in “A Student Leader Is…” and “A Student Leader Isn’t…” document (See Application Description.)



Due by April 15th
• NEW APPLICANTS: Application must be post marked by April 15th

> • CURRENT STUDENT LEADER APPLICANTS: You must re-apply each year. Your application must be post marked by April 15th
• IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you start completing the application, do not close your browser window or all your answers will be lost and you will have to start over.

NEO Student Leader Requirements:
• They have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
• They are a Sophomore, Junior or Senior in High School.
• They are a committed to attend my local church worship [at least 75% of the time]
• They are a committed to attend my local youth group meetings & events [at least 75% of the time].
• They are a committed to attend state youth function when possible [Camp Marengo, State Youth Convention or Tri-Level Leadership Institute].
• They are actively serving in a ministry in my local church,(nursery or children’s helper, worship, usher, worship team, media tech, sound tech, service projects, etc). [at least serving 1 time per month]
• They are willing to work with NEO Student Ministries Board and others to plan, develop and lead NEO events this next year.
• They are committed to attend 3 to 5 NEO Student Leader training/meetings this year.

A Student Leader Is …
> a servant to others.
> always ready to help.
> an encourager.
> a person who finds good in everything.
> a team player in sports and games.
> a good loser in competitions, who congratulates others on their accomplishments & abilities.
> someone who participates in everything.
> someone who works for group unity.
> someone who keeps confidences.
> someone who shows new people around and makes them feel comfortable.
> someone who accepts positive suggestions and constructive criticism from other peers and adult leaders.
> someone who works well with others on projects and assignments and includes their ideas and suggestions.

A Student Leader Is Not …
> the boss of anyone.
> ever to busy for anyone.
> one who criticizes & puts others down.
> a person who finds fault in everything.
> a show off, drawing all the attention to himself.
> a poor loser who argues and complains that others cheated or that the game was unfair.
> someone who sits around and watches, refusing to get involved in activities.
> someone who causes dissension.
> someone who gossips about others.
> someone who ignores new people and lets them find their own way around.
> someone who will not accept or consider helpful suggestions from others.
> someone who takes over a project and does not allow others to incorporate their ideas and suggestions.